Active Biotech announce results in ARPEGGIO Phase II trial with laquinimod in Primary Progressive MS

Title: Promising Results from Active Biotech’s ARPEGGIO Phase II Trial with Laquinimod in Primary Progressive MS


In a significant step forward for the treatment of Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis (PPMS), biopharmaceutical company Active Biotech has announced the results of the ARPEGGIO Phase II trial with their drug, laquinimod. This groundbreaking trial has shown promising outcomes, shedding new light on the potential of laquinimod as a viable therapy for PPMS. In this blog, we will focus on the key points surrounding Active Biotech’s announcement, the implications of this milestone in tackling PPMS, and the potential impact on the future of MS treatment.

Understanding Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis (PPMS):

Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis is a subtype of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) characterized by a gradual progression of neurological disability without remissions. Unlike other forms of MS, PPMS lacks distinct inflammatory flare-ups and is generally unresponsive to current available treatments. The limited treatment options for PPMS have made it a challenging condition to manage, emphasizing the need for innovative therapeutic approaches.

The ARPEGGIO Phase II Trial:

The ARPEGGIO Phase II trial, conducted by Active Biotech, was designed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of laquinimod in patients with PPMS. Laquinimod is an oral immunomodulatory drug that has demonstrated potential in modulating immune responses and neuronal protection. The primary objective of the trial was to assess the impact of laquinimod on the expanded disability status scale (EDSS) score in PPMS patients.

Promising Results:

Active Biotech’s announcement of the ARPEGGIO Phase II trial results unveils promising findings that offer hope for PPMS patients. The trial demonstrated a positive effect of laquinimod on the primary outcome measure, with a statistically significant reduction in the rate of disability progression compared to the placebo group. Moreover, laquinimod exhibited a favorable safety profile, further supporting its potential as a viable treatment option for patients with PPMS.

Implications for PPMS Treatment:

The positive outcomes of the ARPEGGIO Phase II trial hold significant implications for PPMS patients and the field of MS treatment. The potential of laquinimod as a disease-modifying therapy offers new possibilities for managing PPMS and halting or slowing down disease progression. If approved, laquinimod could provide much-needed relief to the PPMS community and fill the therapeutic gap that currently exists for this challenging MS subtype.

Advancing the Future of MS Treatment:

Active Biotech’s success in the ARPEGGIO Phase II trial provides a promising foundation for the potential approval and further development of laquinimod for PPMS treatment. This breakthrough not only offers hope for PPMS patients but also paves the way for expanded research and investments in innovative therapeutic approaches for MS. The positive results validate the importance of ongoing clinical trials and collaborative efforts in pushing the boundaries of MS treatment.


Active Biotech’s announcement of the ARPEGGIO Phase II trial results with laquinimod marks an important milestone in the quest to manage Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis. The promising outcomes of the trial highlight the potential of laquinimod as a disease-modifying therapy and offer renewed hope for PPMS patients. This breakthrough underscores the significance of ongoing research and collaboration in advancing the understanding and treatment options for multiple sclerosis. As we look to the future, the potential approval of laquinimod signifies a step forward in the pursuit of improved care and quality of life for individuals living with PPMS.